Free Masonry in Marceline dates from October 17, 1889, when the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri granted a Charter to Marceline Lodge Number 481 authorizing them to meet and work with Milton Helwig, Worshipful Master; I. Jeff Buster, Senior Warden; and John F. Eyler, Junior Warden. The former Masonic Building was located where … > More >
Some of this is not on record. The Masonic Lodge archives do not include all minutes of the Temple Board, or any history kept by the Appendant bodies (York Rite, Shrine, Order of the Eastern Star), who were hosted by Lodge 481.
The original Masonic Lodge was built in 1888 on the … > More >
George J. Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Philemon Allen, was born Febuary 2, 1865, at Brockport, N.Y. When he was a small boy, the family moved to Kansas where he grew to manhood. He was graduated from Ottowa University and shortly afterward the family moved to Marceline.
The first Post Office was established in Marceline in 1888 and was located on East California Street where the Gucker Coal Co. is presently located. The first Postmaster was Mr. Ed West. Thereafter, the Post Office was moved five times until it was settled permanently in the present building in 1936. It has been … > More >
The Silver Spur riding club was organized in September, 1945 with 20 members. Glen McCandless – who was living in Kansas City at that time – submitted the name of the club.
The first president was Bill Stonger. The club has sponsored basket dinners and horse shows each year.
Prior to 1887, the children of the pioneering families in Marceline, who desired to attend school, were obliged to attend the rural institution known as Hayden’s School which was across the street from where the residence of Don Taylor now stands, at the northern city limits, west of state highway No. 5. This being before … > More >
Rotary Club No. 6285 of Marceline is the local unit of Rotary International, an organization of over 11,000 similar clubs, with 510,000 members in the United States and 123 countries of the world.
The first Rotary club was organized in Chicago, Ill., on February 23, 1905, by Paul P. Harris, a young lawyer, who … > More >
Women Visitors at the Rusk Chapel Will Receive Flowers.
The formal opening of the Rusk Funeral Home, 128 West Ritchie Street, one block west of the Masonic Temple, will be this Saturday and Sunday afternoons between the hours of 1 and 10. The public is cordially invited. Roses and carnations will be … > More >
Twilight Chapter #66, Order of Eastern Star, was organized in 1897. Marceline was about twelve years old, primitive to say the least. Board walks, heavy lumber was laid for street crossings. There were just dirt streets and much mud when winter came. It was not uncommon for the grocery wagon to bog down and the … > More >