Memories of Marceline

The early days of the “Magic City” (as our town was called) were marked by excessive unlawfulness. Fights, murders and thievery being in the headlines as did incendiary fires which did a lot to make our early history black. If a Saturday night passed without two or three fist fights on main street ending up … > More >

D. A. R.

Thirty-two years after the first Chapter of Daughters of American Revolution was organized in Washington, D.C., Marceline Continental Chapter was effected, Nov. 10, 1922, with a membership of twenty-seven.

The first Regent was Mrs. E. W. Gilmore. Present officers are: Gertrude Kincheloe, Regent; Myrl Oldham, Vice-Regent; Iva Nash, Recording Sec’y.; Maxine Buck, Corresponding Sec’y.; Ethel … > More >

Some of Those Who Have Worked in the Marceline Post Office

  • Charles Strickel, Asst. P.M.
  • Ethel Dexter, Clerk
  • Frank Van Tiger, Carrier
  • Ernest Ralston, Carrier
  • Thomas Smith, Fireman
  • William B. Couch, Clerk
  • Lem Maddock, Carrier
  • Glen B. Othic, Custodian
  • Wm. F. Still, Carrier
  • Wesley E. Twitchel, Carrier
  • Neal Stanley, Sub. Rural Carrier
  • Hugh Green, Rural Carrier
  • Lewis Adair, Rural Carrier
  • Mabel Harrison, Clerk
  • James K. Parkey,
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