In 1949, Harry M. Bunton moved to Marceline, and from the small original four-room house purchased at that time, now exists a twenty-two room modern nursing home located at 519 North Spruce Street. The Nursing Home interest began when he saw a need for care for old folks. In the years from 1950 through 1954, three new additions were added to complete a “U” shaped design nursing home with garages attached. Each room has an outside window.
The home was first licensed in 1951 by the State Board of Health. The home is now a member of the American Nursing Home Association and the Missouri Association of Licensed Nursing Homes (which was chartered in Kansas City, Missouri, August 19, 1949). It is also a present member of District 6, organized August 28, 1960.
Through the past years the home has accommodated many residents from Macon, Linn, and Chariton Counties, and we take this means to thank all the doctors, nurses, friends, churches, and organizations for their help and support which has made the home the success it has been. Our aim is to make our residents feel they are wanted and that someone still cares for them.