First Boy and Girl Born in Marceline


Claud C. Dail, the first child born in Marceline was the second son of Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Dail. He was born March 6, 1888 – the same day that Marceline was incorporated.

He lived here all of his life and operated a barber shop until 1929 when he and Erne Herbert bought the Ford Agency from Carl Wilson. In 1934, Mr. Herbert sold his interest to Mr. Dail, who continued in business until his death in 1947. He married Vina McDonald.


Ruth Cannon, the first girl born in Marceline was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Cannon. She was born July 22, 1888.

Her father was the first owner of the lumber yard which is now’ known as the Linn County Lumber Yard. They lived in a one story house at 200 West Santa Fe.

The family later returned to Edina, Missouri and lived there until Mr. Cannon’s death in 1909. Ruth married Bill Reed of Kirksville and lived in Kirksville until her death in 1917. She was quite talented as an artist and one of her paintings hangs in the Marceline Carnegie Library – a gift from Mrs. Sig. Steiner.

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