In block 85 of Marceline stands one of the landmarks of 75 years ago – The Florence Rest Home. The first owner of the property was Julia A. Taylor who acquired it in 1888. In that year only three houses stood on the street that is now named Booker Street. Many people lived in tents surrounded by scrub oak trees and hazel bush. In 1896, this property was sold to George Freeman and he remodeled it and added a dome room.
In June of 1955, Mrs. Bunton purchased the property and began the intense job of repairing the building. It was in the fall before the home was ready for its first patient, Martha A. Carmony, a retired R. N. It became established as a rest home.
At the beginning of the home the capacity was nine, and with some remodeling on the second floor, was soon able to accommodate 15. In 1960, another remodeling project was started in order to enable more residents to be cared for, and now the home can take care of 20.
The last 10 years have seen many changes and requirements that had to be met in order to comply with the State’s standards. Today the home has an electric fire alarm system, air conditioning, and many other conveniences that were not enjoyed 75 years ago.
The Florence Rest Home, as it was called, was one of the first in Marceline to receive a state license after the rigid state regulations were passed. The home is under R. N. supervision and retains a reliable staff. It has been a member of the State Nursing Home Association for the past several years.