Mothers’ Psychology Club was organized in the year 1934, 15 mothers being invited and accepting membership. These first 15 members were Bernice Wiedman, Irene Jones, Betty O’Connor, Juanita Staats, Dorothy Staples, Bernice Burgener, Isabelle Couch, Rose Potts, Cleo Chapman, Alice Barnes Gray, Elizabeth Fox, Eunice Campbell, Lucille Sportsman Blacksmith, Blanche O’Neil, and Francis Fee Ford. Officers for the first year were Bernice Weidman, president; Irene Jones, vice-president; Betty O’Connor, secretary and treasurer; and Juanita Staats, reporter.
Time of meeting was the third Thursday of each month at 7:30pm. Members took turns being hostesses; the Club Colors were pink and blue; the Club Motto “Ever Upward.” Charter members still active in the work of Mothers’ Psychology Club are Bernice Burgener, Isabelle Couch, Elizabeth Fox, and Juanita Staats.
Mothers’ Psychology Class was organized by representatives of a Missouri Club organization, Betty O’Connor and Mrs. Curlette Foster. Mothers’ Study Club, of which Mrs. Foster was a member, having been previously organized, but having a club membership limitation, made a need for two clubs. Hence, Mothers’ Psychology Class was born the year of 1934 and remained Mothers’ Psychology Class until the year 1944 when it was voted by the members to change the name to Mothers’ Psychology Club.
Mothers’ Psychology Club was Federated in the year 1937, and proudly bore the Club affiliations of G. F. W. C. and M. F. W. C. We were growing and expanding. Our topics have been far-reaching, from such as “So-Long, Folks, I have a Date” by Christine Metzger Dillen, to those of grave and deep international problems and our timely “Girls’ Town.”
Mothers’ Psychology Club has always been a busy club. In 1947, under the presidency of Pearl Ray, Mothers’ Psychology Club sponsored the organization of Modern Mothers’ Club in Marceline, an active Federated Club at this day. In 1951-52 our club yearbook won first prize in third district. Mothers’ Psychology Club has a ten-year consecutive record of being on the Federated Club Honor Roll. To support the Girls’ Town Project, each member has given a dollar per year, built “Steps”, bought stamps, and in the spring of 1960 held a rummage sale with all proceeds given to Girls’ Town. Club members always participate in Book Week.
Among the outstanding projects of Mothers’ Psychology Club throughout the years was a home talent play and fashion show under the leadership of Bernice Mobley, president; Pearl Ray, vice-president, and Joy Walsworth, director and member of the club. This project netted us a financial reward which has been a backlog through the years. Other outstanding projects at various times were providing shoes, overshoes and eye glasses for needy children, sponsoring a Girl Scout Troop, sponsoring Teen-Town, and realizing its establishment in Marceline, helping establish the first kindergarten in Marceline, assisting in the organization of P. T. A., being a part with other Federated Clubs in “Build Freedom with Youth program and contest,” solely establishing an invalid in a small business known as “The Margaret Price Gift Shop,” and buying a band uniform for our Marceline High School Band. We contribute a basket each year at Christmas time to a needy family, furnish money when needed for furtherance of school hot lunch program, provide a love gift of cookies and fruits to each Rest Home in Marceline on Valentine’s Day each year, share in sponsoring Sophomore Pilgrimage, charity drives, community drives, and all Federated projects within our abilities.
On November 19, 1959, Mothers’ Psychology Club celebrated its Silver Anniversary with a meeting at the home of Juanita Staats; Bernice Burgener, co-hostess; Betty O’Connor, guest speaker. Decorations were in keeping with the occasion.
Mothers’ Psychology Club, in the year of 1960-61 with a restricted membership of 20, under the presidency of Inez Preston, and vice-president Mildred King, supported most Federated projects. Three club members, Julia Royar, Dula Moodie, and Toledo Staats are active members of the Marceline Co-ordinated Welfare. Gerontology is this year’s paramount project; each club member adopting a Senior Citizen and occupant of a local Rest Home and attending to his physical and emotional needs, bringing sunshine where and when we can.
A public program was held April 20 on Retarded Children. Mrs. Harold Wood of the Child Guidance Group in Chillicothe and Mrs. Ross Peniston, the teacher of the Training Center, were the guest speakers and $30.00 was donated to the school.
Our club also decorated a store window for Library Week and had 10% reading from our club.
A “Spring Tea” was held April 27 for all five Federated Clubs of Marceline. A musical program was presented by the music department from the High School.
The year of 1961-62 was guided by Mrs. Mildred King as president of Mothers’ Psychology Club, pursuing all federated and most local projects. This year Mrs. Ruby Lockwood, another club member, was added to the Marceline Coordinated Welfare Board.
This year 1962-63, Mrs. Juanita Staats, president and all members are happy to be a part of Marceline’s Diamond Jubilee Celebration.
May we dedicate this history to the memory of Mrs. Myrtle Medlin and Mrs. Joy Walsworth.
Club members and the years in which they served as President are: Bernice Wiedman, ’34-’35; Irene Jones, ’35-’36; Blanche O’Neil,’36-’37; Betty O’Conner, ’37-’38; Joy Walsworth, ’38-’39; Ruby Clawson, ’39-‘4O; Margaret Humm, ’40-’41; Helen Payden, ’41-’42; Dorothy Staples, ’42-’43; Isabelle Couch, ’43-’44; Ella Milam,’44-’45; Elizabeth Fox, ’45-’46; Bernice Mobley, ’46-’47; Pearl Ray, ’47-’48; Alys Culler, ’48-’49; Bernice Burgener, ’49- ’50; Laura Dale Tainter, ’50-’51; Juanita Staats, ’51- ’52; Marge Norman, ’52-’53; Imogene Crump, ’53- ’54; Ida Blanche Rutliff, ’54-55; Mildred Oliver, ’55-’56; Chrystine Lake, ’56-‘57; DulaMoodie, ’57-’58; Toledo Staats, ’58-’59; Ruby Lockwood, ’59- ’60; Inez Preston, ’60-’61; Mildred King, ’61-’62; Juanita Staats, ’62-’63.