Reid Family

Thomas Venable Reid was born April 13, 1862 in Rothville where his parents settled after migrating from Virginia in a covered wagon, in 1860. Tom was a farmer and a carpenter in his early years. After his marriage to Della Vaden Simpson they settled in Marceline where he helped on the construction of the first … > More >

Memories of Marceline

The early days of the “Magic City” (as our town was called) were marked by excessive unlawfulness. Fights, murders and thievery being in the headlines as did incendiary fires which did a lot to make our early history black. If a Saturday night passed without two or three fist fights on main street ending up … > More >

Eastern Star

Twilight Chapter #66, Order of Eastern Star, was organized in 1897. Marceline was about twelve years old, primitive to say the least. Board walks, heavy lumber was laid for street crossings. There were just dirt streets and much mud when winter came. It was not uncommon for the grocery wagon to bog down and the … > More >

History of Marceline

Note: The following article containing a history of the first 50 years of Marceline was reproduced from the 1938 Golden Jubilee edition of the Marceline News. Floyd C. Shoemaker, secretary of the State Historical Society of Missouri, has written the following interesting and complete history of Marceline. Mr. Shoemaker is a Linn County product, having > More >

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