Landreth Coal Mine

In the fall of 1870, Rush Floyd Landreth, wife Arenia and their two children, Elsie and Joseph arrived by train from Carroll County, Virginia. In 1882 they bought 80 acres of land located just west of Marceline, from the Hannibal and Saint Joseph Railroad Company.

In 1886, preliminary surveys for the Chicago, Santa Fe and … > More >

Marceline State Bank

The charter of the Marceline State Bank was issued December 23, 1907, by Hon. John E. Swanger, Secretary of State of Missouri. The capital stock was $20,000.

A building was erected and opened for business at 107 North Kansas Avenue, where Reece’s confectionery was located. In May 1909, the present building was purchased. The new … > More >

St. Francis Hospital


St. Francis Hospital as it is known today, originated as a ten-bed structure built in 1923 by Floyd Neiman, Marceline Contractor, for Ola Putman. M. D., as a memorial to his father, Benjamin S. Putman, M. D., who had served the Marceline area forty-seven years as physician and surgeon. He called it the … > More >

Second Baptist Church

Man is by nature a worshipful creature however crude the form of worship might be. He is endowed with attributes which cry out the worthiness of God, hence, man provides a shrine at which to worship.

On January 5, 1901, the following baptized believers, Jeff Oliver, Mamie Oliver, J. R. Herndon, W. L. Herndon, and … > More >

Bethany Baptist Church

The Bethany Baptist Church was begun as a mission known as Faith Mission in January, 1955. The first meeting of the Mission was held at the I.O.O.F. Hall in Marceline with Sunday School and Training Union for all age groups and morning and evening worship services conducted by James L. Farris.

In February of that … > More >

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