Fred Cochran

Fred Cochran was born in Marceline, Missouri, June 22, 1924. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James S. Cochran. He went to school here and graduated with the class of 1943. While in high school, he studied art under Neva Lamb and after that took his formal art training during the years immediately … > More >

Marceline Jubilee


June 29 – July 4.

  • Jubilee House – at corner of Howell and Kansas Avenue. Decorated with antiques in the manner of a house of 1888.
  • Nike Missile – at the corner of Howell and Kansas Avenue. Modern technology at its most destructive force.
  • Agriculture Display
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Elmwood Cemetery

In May, 1870, a group of hardy young settlers met in the Locust Ridge school house to arrange for a place of burial against the time of need. They were building a new community on the wild prairies of southeast Linn County. Elmwood Cemetery, established June 11, 1870, was the outgrowth of that meeting.

Erastus … > More >

Quality Rebekah Lodge

In the Miners’ Hall on June 27, 1907, Sister Ruby Kathan, Dist. Deputy President of Bucklin, assisted by Deputy Grand Lodge officers, instituted Quality Rebekah Lodge No. 475.

The following were charter members: Della Beckman, N.G.; Stephen Wallar, Cora Wallar, Rebekah Wallar, Valentine Maddox, May Gehne, Sallie Roe, Lucille Locke (McAllister), Sue Locke (Payden), Ann … > More >

Eastern Star

Twilight Chapter #66, Order of Eastern Star, was organized in 1897. Marceline was about twelve years old, primitive to say the least. Board walks, heavy lumber was laid for street crossings. There were just dirt streets and much mud when winter came. It was not uncommon for the grocery wagon to bog down and the … > More >

Mother’s Study Club

Marceline, Missouri – Organized 1934
Third District Federated – 1937

Early in the year 1934 a group of young mothers in Marceline interested in child care and training read in the Parents’ Magazine of study articles that could be obtained from the University of Missouri at Columbia, Child Raising Department. They sent for the monthly … > More >

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