Mother’s Study Club

Marceline, Missouri – Organized 1934
Third District Federated – 1937

Early in the year 1934 a group of young mothers in Marceline interested in child care and training read in the Parents’ Magazine of study articles that could be obtained from the University of Missouri at Columbia, Child Raising Department. They sent for the monthly … > More >

Mothers’ Psychology Club

Mothers’ Psychology Club was organized in the year 1934, 15 mothers being invited and accepting membership. These first 15 members were Bernice Wiedman, Irene Jones, Betty O’Connor, Juanita Staats, Dorothy Staples, Bernice Burgener, Isabelle Couch, Rose Potts, Cleo Chapman, Alice Barnes Gray, Elizabeth Fox, Eunice Campbell, Lucille Sportsman Blacksmith, Blanche O’Neil, and Francis Fee Ford. … > More >

Landreth Coal Mine

In the fall of 1870, Rush Floyd Landreth, wife Arenia and their two children, Elsie and Joseph arrived by train from Carroll County, Virginia. In 1882 they bought 80 acres of land located just west of Marceline, from the Hannibal and Saint Joseph Railroad Company.

In 1886, preliminary surveys for the Chicago, Santa Fe and … > More >

St. Francis Hospital


St. Francis Hospital as it is known today, originated as a ten-bed structure built in 1923 by Floyd Neiman, Marceline Contractor, for Ola Putman. M. D., as a memorial to his father, Benjamin S. Putman, M. D., who had served the Marceline area forty-seven years as physician and surgeon. He called it the … > More >

St. Bonaventure School

Catholic Schools are a familiar institution throughout the United States. Normally, where ever there is a Catholic Church there is also a Catholic School.

Marceline’s first Catholic School was a private school known as St. Rose’s Hall. It was located on the present site of the Davis Paint Store. The first teachers were Miss Bernadette … > More >

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