Cater Opera House

The Cater Opera House was built by Dr. W. A. Cater in 1902 and was formally opened in October.

In the early days, stock companies appeared here for one-week stands, with a change of program every night. The Mayhall Stock Company of Goren, Missouri, which played here many seasons, was one of the favorites. The … > More >

Marceline State Bank

The charter of the Marceline State Bank was issued December 23, 1907, by Hon. John E. Swanger, Secretary of State of Missouri. The capital stock was $20,000.

A building was erected and opened for business at 107 North Kansas Avenue, where Reece’s confectionery was located. In May 1909, the present building was purchased. The new … > More >

St. Francis Hospital


St. Francis Hospital as it is known today, originated as a ten-bed structure built in 1923 by Floyd Neiman, Marceline Contractor, for Ola Putman. M. D., as a memorial to his father, Benjamin S. Putman, M. D., who had served the Marceline area forty-seven years as physician and surgeon. He called it the … > More >

American Legion Auxiliary

The Auxiliary Unit of the Theodore Roosevelt Post No. 264 of the American Legion, Marceline, Missouri, was organized October 5, 1920, with the following charter members: Mrs. Vivian Lancaster Mrs. Belle Stuver, Mrs. Rosa Roof, Miss Marguerite Roof, Mrs. Mary Lancaster, Miss Blanche Svensson, Mrs. Ailah Steiner, Mrs. Ruth Heryford, Mrs. Olga Scott, Mrs. Frances … > More >

Assembly of God Church

Services of the church were first held in the old John Neff building in 1951. Later, services were held in a building behind Walsworth’s building until the church purchased the property at the present location. Since the purchase of this property at 201 E. Gracia, Sunday School rooms have been added and a membership roll … > More >

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