Elmwood Cemetery

In May, 1870, a group of hardy young settlers met in the Locust Ridge school house to arrange for a place of burial against the time of need. They were building a new community on the wild prairies of southeast Linn County. Elmwood Cemetery, established June 11, 1870, was the outgrowth of that meeting.

Erastus … > More >

G. I. A.

G. I. A.’s, as most sub-ordinate Divisions call them­selves, is so called because they are wives of Locomo­tive Engineers. The proper name is Grand International Auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers.

Strangely enough, while Marceline is celebrating its Diamond Jubilee, so is the Grand International Auxil­iary, which was organized October 16, 1887.

On February … > More >

Band Boosters 1963

Band Boosters is an organization to co-operate with the Board of Education and Band director to further the interest of instrumental music in the Public Schools of Marceline, Missouri.

The first regular meeting of Band Boosters was held at the high school on Thursday night, December 8, 1938. The meeting was called to order by … > More >

I.O.O.F. Lodge

The luxurious Odd Fellows Lodge building was dedicated September 20, 1915. The lodge had previously occupied the old miners’ hall which was located at the corner of Kansas Avenue at Gracia Street. At that time the lodge was moved from the miners’ hall to its present building.

The I. O. O. F. building here is … > More >

Quality Rebekah Lodge

In the Miners’ Hall on June 27, 1907, Sister Ruby Kathan, Dist. Deputy President of Bucklin, assisted by Deputy Grand Lodge officers, instituted Quality Rebekah Lodge No. 475.

The following were charter members: Della Beckman, N.G.; Stephen Wallar, Cora Wallar, Rebekah Wallar, Valentine Maddox, May Gehne, Sallie Roe, Lucille Locke (McAllister), Sue Locke (Payden), Ann … > More >

Marceline Lodge #544

On September 18, 1928, a group of ladies were called together for the purpose of organizing a Ladies Society of The Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen. We met in the K.P. Hall over Zurcher’s store. Mrs. Grace Hatfield was our Grand Lodge Instructor.

The Brothers of Lodge #486 expressed their interest by buying the … > More >

Eastern Star

Twilight Chapter #66, Order of Eastern Star, was organized in 1897. Marceline was about twelve years old, primitive to say the least. Board walks, heavy lumber was laid for street crossings. There were just dirt streets and much mud when winter came. It was not uncommon for the grocery wagon to bog down and the … > More >

Masonic Lodge

Free Masonry in Marceline dates from October 17, 1889, when the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri granted a Charter to Marceline Lodge Number 481 authorizing them to meet and work with Milton Helwig, Worshipful Master; I. Jeff Buster, Senior Warden; and John F. Eyler, Junior Warden. The former Masonic Building was located where … > More >

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